A Royal Event - "Come Meet a Princess"
We gave each girl a Tiara and discussed what it means to be a daughter of God and to be of Royal birth.
We gave every girl the framed quote you see below, from Elder Uchtdorf.

May 16, 2019 - We walked the Lakeshore Bird Sanctuary while discussing the importance of loving and protecting God's creatures.
June 25, 2019 - We discussed what it means to have a good conversation, pleasant language and how gossip can hurt people while making LIP BALM
September 8, 2019 - We discussed different ways we could sprinkle kindness while eating donuts with sprinkles
September 25 - We made Sabbath Day jars and discussed what it means to Keep the Sabbath Day Holy.
October 9 - We made stuffed fabric pumpkins and discussed the new program coming in 2020.
October 30 - "What a tangled web we weave when we choose to deceive".
We made spider web nests out of balloons while talking about honesty.
Nov 6 2019 - We made felt poppies and discussed the meaning of Remembrance day.
Remembrance Day
December 4 - We made wooden Christmas Decorations
December 18 - Christmas Party Wrap Up and farewell to the older girls moving on to Young Women in the new year. |